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Polly Harteis Reviews, Quixtar’s Artistry Skin Refinishing Lotion


One of my favorite Artistry Products is the Skin Refinishing Lotion.  And here are the reasons why. - Polly Harteis

"It’s like velvet on your skin, only better! Skin Refinishing Lotion encourages your skin to naturally reveal softer, smoother skin with oats, not acid. This daily exfoliator uses a unique combination of sugar derivatives and algae in addition to oat proteins, scientifically proven for their smoothing benefits. In just 12 weeks, skin texture can show a 52% improvement, the appearance of fine lines can be reduced by 48%, and skin can look and feel firmer by 41%. Safe for sensitive skin."  When I promote this product, which is very easy to do, I like to review the list of questions, provided by Quixtar, which will answer any questions a client could come up with!

Quixtar Ibo Q: Why does my skin feel so smooth after using Skin Refinishing Lotion?
Harteis A: This product is specially formulated to instantly provide softer- and smoother-feeling skin. It does this by using state-of-the art gel-to-powder technology that leaves skin feeling and looking smoother instantly.

Quixtar IBO Q: Will Skin Refinishing Lotion help to minimize the appearance of fine lines?
Harteis A: Yes. As the skin ages, dead skin does not "shed" as quickly and fine lines appear more pronounced on the skin's surface. With continued use of Skin Refinishing Lotion your skin will increase its natural turnover and fine lines will become less visible. In fact, within just 12 weeks of use, fine lines will appear less visible an average of 48%.

Ibo Q: Will Skin Refinishing Lotion help to minimize the appearance of pore size?
Polly Harteis A: Yes. Pores will appear smaller with continued use of the product. In clinical testing, pores were shown to appear 32% smaller after just 12 weeks of use.

Q: Can Skin Refinishing Lotion be used with sensitive skin?
Harties A: Yes, it's clinically proven safe for use by people with sensitive skin.

Q: Should you use both Alpha Hydroxy Serum Plus and Skin Refinishing Lotion?
Polly A: No, we do not recommend using both AHS+ and Skin Refinishing Lotion. They provide similar effects through similar modes of action, and you will not see an increased benefit by using both products.

Q: What makes the oat extract (natural ingredients) work?
Harties A: The exact mechanism that allows the oat to work is not known. However, after numerous studies and clinical trials, A
RTISTRY scientists have shown that oats are very effective at enhancing exfoliation. This discovery is very exciting and has lead to a pending patent.

Q: In what order do I use Skin Refinishing Lotion?
Polly Harteis A: Cleanse, Tone, Repair, Blemish Treatment (where needed), Vitamin C + Wild Yam Treatment (where needed), Replenishing Eye Creme, Skin Refinishing Lotion (or) Alpha Hydroxy Serum Plus, Bright Ideaź Illuminating Essence, Moisturizer.

Q: Will the algae and sugars cause skin irritation?
Harteis : No. This product was tested on sensitive skin and was shown not to be irritating or cause allergic reactions.

Q: Why were algae, sugar, and oats chosen to add to this product? What exactly do they do?
Harteis: All three ingredients work synergistically to enhance exfoliation. The use of the oat extract as an exfoliant is patent-pending.

Q: How often do I use Skin Refinishing Lotion?
Harties: Skin Refinishing Lotion should be used twice daily, morning and night.

Q: Can this product be used around the eye area?
Polly : Yes. Skin Refinishing Lotion was clinically shown safe for use around the delicate eye area.

Q: Can this product be used on the neck, throat, and chest as well as the face?
Harteis: Yes. Skin Refinishing Lotion will be safe and effective when used on the neck, throat, and chest areas.

We hope this information helps in making your decision to use this fantastic product, state Polly and
Jerry Harteis.


Polly Harteis and Jerry Harteis are Quixtar Ibos and members of IBOAI.


Jerry Harties is president of Harteis Associates.



© provided to Harteis International courtesy of  Biznet Productions.







Don Wilson: Thoughts on Quixtar IBO Coaching  



“When I was coaching I collected sports quotes and quips to help my players remember important sports and life lessons. These are a few of my favorites.” – Don Wilson


Don Wilson:  Quick Quote Favorites: Sports


If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?
--Vince Lombardi

I never criticize a player until they are first convinced of my unconditional confidence in their abilities.
--John Robinson

Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical
--Yogi Berra


Don Wilson is secretary/treasurer of IBOAI.


Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan, Don Wilson: IBOAI


IBOAI, official trade association, lead by 2005 board president, Billy Florence,  with past president Fred Harteis ,  vice president Greg Duncan, treasurer Don Wilson serves and protects the business interests of Quixtar powered IBO’s  (Quixtar IBOs) throughout North America.


Fred Harteis owns Biznet Productions and Harteis International.

Billy Florence leads the Team DCI TEAM and owns Equad News Greg Duncan leads WWDB World Wide Dream Builders.




© 2005 provided to BizNet Productions/Harteis International. Inc/Fred Harteis blog by Esource Business News

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Dean Kosage of  WWDB on Setting Goals


Dean Kosage,WWDB : Goals offer focal points in all areas of our lives. Not many noteworthy accomplishments happen by mistake.  I can’t imagine a person going out for a walk and being surprised to find themselves at the top of Mt. Everest.  It was a specific goal backed up by daily actions. 

Dean Kosage Quick Quote Favorites: Goals


"There is no achievement without goals." - Robert J. McKaine

"This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything."

- Scott Reed

"You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures."  - Charles C. Noble



Dean Kosage leads WWDB and is a member of IBOAI.


Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan: IBOAI


IBOAI, official trade association, lead by 2005 board president, Billy Florence,  with past president Fred Harteis ,  vice president Greg Duncan, treasurer Don Wilson serves and protects the business interests of Quixtar powered IBO’s  (Quixtar IBOs) throughout North America.


Fred Harteis owns Biznet Productions and Harteis International.

Billy Florence leads the Team DCI TEAM and owns Equad News Greg Duncan leads WWDB World Wide Dream Builders.




© provided to BizNet Productions/Harteis International, Inc. by Esource Business News


Greg Duncan WWDB| Character Is A Decision



Greg Duncan, WWDB:  In the book “There’s No Such Thing As Business Ethics” author John C Maxwell observes that one reason that we’ve seen corporate giants stumble in areas of ethics and character is because it was the easiest thing to do at the time.  They hadn’t made decisions about behaving ethically in advance of the opportunity to take short cuts presented itself.  They made the wrong choice.

Greg Duncan, WWDB:  Quick Quote Favorites: Character


"Always do right - this will gratify some and astonish the rest." Mark Twain

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved." Helen Keller

"Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." Ralph Waldo Emerson


Greg Duncan leads WWDB and is vice president of IBOAI.


Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan, Don Wilson: IBOAI


IBOAI, official trade association, lead by 2005 board president, Billy Florence,  with past president Fred Harteis ,  vice president Greg Duncan, treasurer Don Wilson serves and protects the business interests of Quixtar powered IBO’s  (Quixtar IBOs) throughout North America.


Fred Harteis owns Biznet Productions and Harteis International.

Billy Florence leads the Team DCI TEAM and owns Equad News Greg Duncan leads WWDB World Wide Dream Builders.




© 2005 provided to Fred Harteis, BizNet Productions President by Esource Business News


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